Welcome to Part 2 of our blog series where we will unpack how ServiceMinder’s capabilities can empower franchisees through automation and innovation. AKA do all the things they either don’t want to do or don’t have the bandwidth to achieve.

Now, it's time to discuss a crucial goal for any business owner: driving revenue. We're all aware that generating revenue is essential for the success of a brand and its franchisees. But, the question is how can you be successful at achieving this goal, at scale?

Drum roll please….the answer is automation. In this session of driving revenue 101, we have a few suggestions for what needs to be automated to consistently grow your entire brand. But before we get into that, maybe we should introduce ourselves.

Who is ServiceMinder

ServiceMinder is the platform for managing and operating home services brands.

Acquire leads seamlessly with 24/7 scheduling, branded proposals, and targeted email campaigns. Track leads with extensive reporting options and convert prospects by enhancing client experience through innovation. Grow your franchise by making decisions based on data, at the brand or location level.

Automate and simplify your brand’s entire workflow on one award-winning, franchised-focused platform.


First things first, every zee’s everyday basic workflow needs to be supported by automation. This will prevent wasting time and money on manual errors in daily tasks.

“I regret relying on technology to simplify and automate my workflow,” said no franchisor ever. Whether you're an emerging franchise or have 200+ locations, it’s time to find a reliable CRM or platform that supports your entire workflow.

Depending on workflow and franchisee needs, If you're a franchisor, it's time to take the stress off yourself and empower your franchisees with a reliable platform.

With ServiceMinder, you can automate scheduling, recurring billing, internal taskboards, and more. All of these capabilities speed up the sales process and support project management by eliminating manual tasks. By avoiding manual tasks, not only are you saving time but that also leaves less room for common human errors. And even better, you can now automate the things that your franchisees don’t do consistently – like following up with prospects or open proposals or even something as simple as getting paid.

As tedious and time-consuming as it can be to do supplier research and demos, it will save you so much time in the end. Or to save time researching, you can just book a demo with us here

Customize Client Journey

Now here’s how to wow leads and clients with automation…

Maintaining consistency in the lead journey can pose challenges for any business, but the complexity increases significantly in the context of franchising, where manual lead tracking at a large scale is nearly impossible. As a franchise-focused platform, ServiceMinder provides the perfect tools for nurturing leads without lifting a finger.

As part of our comprehensive approach, lead generation, and client retention is no exception-we’re not lying when we describe ourselves as “all-in-one”.

When dealing with email marketing, you have the option to focus on specific contacts by employing tags. This strategy helps prevent a situation we all wish to avoid: email overload. By utilizing tags, you can tailor content to particular clients or leads based on their categories.

Another capability crucial to the sales process is Drips. Drips are our configurable feature that helps automate communication whether it's email or texting, proposal/invoices, and other capabilities to enhance client experience and nurture leads into customers.

With ServiceMinder, you can access all this info by location or brand level. This allows consistency with certain promotions and campaigns across the entire brand.


Last, but certainly not least for us, your accountant, and yourself, please automate reporting.

Starting with the pillar of franchising: royalties. We understand the importance of royalties in the franchise business model..so of course, we created a feature to take the headaches out of this process.

This helpful and automated tool is called Royalty Reporting. This feature eliminates stress and hurdles for both the franchisors and franchisees. We can even automate the report submission process, so reports are on time, every time.

Say goodbye to dreading budgeting because our reporting feature, Revenue by Lead Source gives you all the information you need. Knowing which source is getting the most traction and identifying poor-performing campaigns is helpful when planning a brand-wide marketing strategy.

This capability simplifies budgeting to see where to cut back on an unsuccessful campaign or put more money into a successful campaign. Allowing monthly reminders to analyze current spending, so there are no surprises at the end of the year or quarter.

Want to Learn More?

If this crash course leaves you wanting more, we’d love to chat! For any questions feel free to shoot us an email: [email protected] or schedule a demo here