As home service suppliers for 10+ years, we’ve decided to offer a few tips for franchisors based on our experiences over the years and trends from 2022.

Who is serviceminder

Before we give our two cents on home services franchising, we should probably give you a little background on us for any newbies out there.

serviceminder is the platform for managing and operating home services franchises. From tracking marketing efforts, delivering professional online proposals directly to clients, to lead capture, and much more. serviceminder provides unique tools and integrations designed to make your brand stand out from competitors. If you want to categorize us, sure we’re a CRM, but not just a CRM..home services brands can streamline their entire workflow through serviceminder.

Tip #1: Automate Basic Workflow

“I regret relying on technology to simplify and automate my workflow,” said no franchisor ever. Whether you're an emerging franchise or have 200+ locations, it’s time to find a reliable CRM or platform that supports your entire workflow.

Depending on workflow and franchisee needs, If you're a franchisor, 2023 is the year to take the stress off yourself and empower your franchisees with a reliable platform. As tedious and time-consuming as it can be to do supplier research and demos, it will save you so much time in the end.

Imagine automating all reporting from marketing to royalty fees. Eliminating human errors and hurdles is an obvious plus. If you’re a home service franchisor looking for not just a CRM, but a brand advisor, reach out to serviceminder (if you can handle our endless “dad jokes”). We would love to hear about your brand’s pain points, as we’re obsessed with solving problems.

Book a demo here

Tip #2: Budget…Frequently

It’s hard to ignore that prices have increased across the board and will most likely continue to rise. Therefore, budgeting is more important than ever. I’m sure the words “frequently” and “budget” in the same sentence might have raised your blood pressure, but what if this was also automated and easily accessible information across your whole franchise?

It’s important to focus on budgeting across all departments and to be able to access that information on a brand level and by location. serviceminder makes monthly and quarterly budgeting very easy by offering reports like revenue by lead source, cost per lead, and more.

These reports make it easier to plan expenses and predict earnings all in one platform. Say goodbye to scrambling in Q4 trying to budget last minute!

Tip #3: Network, Network, Network!

Realtors live by the saying “location, location, location”, while the franchise community proudly chants “Network, Network, Network”.

The franchise community is filled with so many friendly faces that you can learn with AND from. As suppliers of the IFA since 2015, we enjoy all of the benefits of this community and couldn’t be more grateful to be surrounded by such awesome folks! From educational webinars to the network-heavy conferences, the opportunities are truly endless.

No matter how experienced and successful you are as a franchisor or a supplier, we believe there’s always room to improve and learn. If you are in the franchise space, we encourage you to actively participate in the franchise community because you never know who you can help out or who can help you!

Want more tips?

We recently sat down with some of our supplier friends to discuss best practices for 2023. You can hear from more experts here

Have any questions for a serviceminder pro? Feel free to shoot us any questions here: [email protected]