As the year comes to an end, home service franchises are looking back on 2022, but let’s not forget to take this time to plan and prep for 2023.

It’s crucial to celebrate your successes from this year, but also evaluate brand performance and see how you can improve your franchise. Whether it’s to increase revenue or enhance customer communications and experience.. there’s always room to improve.

Now is the time to Implement and plan new solutions for your brand, solutions can include new technology, adjusting marketing spend, or overall strategy.

As seasoned home service providers, we wanted to offer a few tips on planning for the new year!

Get Organized….Fast

Safe to say the holiday season from November to January is a slow time business-wise for most home service brands. Which makes it the perfect time to pause, evaluate and plan.

Depending on your 2022 challenges, this may be the perfect time to explore new CRMs, customer communication features, or any new integrations.

Once your challenges and poorly performing areas are identified, get to researching! While you have the time to focus on and explore new solutions, start signing up for demos and exploring new options. Don’t let your current hurdles pour into the new year.

Get ahead of these issues so your franchisees are fully equipped to take on busy season.

Budgeting Tech Spend

Budgeting, in general, can be difficult but in today’s technology era, we know tech spend in particular can be challenging. For more info and tips on budgeting in general check out our recent blog post: here

For tech talk, stick around…

If one of your biggest challenges was technology spend, where your brand is managed on several different platforms, instead of paying for one platform that can streamline your entire workflow. We recommend looking into a different CRM, but not just a general CRM, a CRM that is franchise focused and is built for home and property services.

For example, our platform is specifically designed for home services franchises. From tracking marketing efforts, delivering professional online proposals directly to clients, to lead capture, and much more. serviceminder provides unique tools and integrations designed to make your brand stand out from competitors.

If you want to categorize us, sure we’re a CRM, but not just any CRM. Home services brands can streamline their entire workflow through serviceminder. Even though we’re franchised-focused, we wouldn’t be a good fit for a restaurant chain because of our very intentional and strategic features for home services brands. We understand CRM shopping and transferring can be a heavy lift, but that’s why we recommend starting now. Be prepared before the springtime rush comes flying in!

Map Out Big Events

As members of the franchise community, we enjoy the many franchise events throughout the year. These events are great for learning from industry leaders, forming meaningful connections, and more.

As the industry continues to change, it’s important to stay in the know and open to learning more. We know it can be hard and expensive to travel, but you if budget and plan ahead, there will be no surprises. So get to it, because we know calendars fill up very quickly.

Ready to take on 2023?

We see much success in your future..(only if you take our advice of course)! Questions? Shoot us an email: [email protected]

Wanna see our platform and our pretty faces? Book a free 1:1 demo here