Are you franchise-ready? Thinking about launching a franchise, but don’t know where to start?

As serviceminder has been serving home services brands for over 10 years, we’ve had many experiences with established franchises and emerging brands.

serviceminder currently manages and operates over 30 home services brands. Our award-winning platform helps brands stand out from competitors by offering configurable and franchise-focused features.

We automate the production pipeline, allowing your franchisees to focus more on growth and less time worrying about tedious administrative, marketing, and scheduling tasks.

Gear up with a comprehensive platform that simplifies your workflow. Here are a few things to look for in a CRM to help launch and grow your franchise.


A CRM must allow you to customize and configure your workflow that best supports your brand.

This is key to standing out from the competition and will allow you to utilize features in a unique way that suits your brand and the services your brand offers.

Configuration can also help with budgeting. No one wants to pay for features that they don't use. Find a CRM that offers packages and add-ons to ensure a budget-friendly experience.

Support and Training

As an emerging franchise, I’m sure you’re already overwhelmed. The worst thing you can do is pay for a service that you don’t know how to use.

Before signing with a new platform, be sure to confirm that they offer a thorough training experience. You and your team must take the time to learn how to utilize your CRM to truly capitalize on this investment.

Unlike serviceminder, some platforms don’t offer unlimited support and training.

Home Service Exclusive

There are a ton of platforms out there that can support your emerging brand, but there are very few that are designed specifically for home service franchises.

Using a tool that is designed specifically and solely for home services brands is like having a built-in industry expert in the palm of your hands. Especially as a new franchisor, wouldn’t it be nice to have a team of experienced consultants? As opposed to an account manager that doesn’t have a total grasp on trends and struggles?

Be sure to put your emerging brand in the right hands, with a platform that specializes in your industry. Working with a platform that understands your workflow and pain points on day one, will ultimately save you time, money, and stress.

Ready for take-off?

If you have any questions for a serviceminder expert, email: [email protected] Want to see the serviceminder platform live and in the flesh (A.K.A virtually)? Book a free personalized demo here.