We know New Year’s resolutions have a bad rep, but we can’t deny that a new year brings new expectations, excitement, and ultimately new goals.

Between the pandemic, inflation, and other uncontrollable factors, it might seem harder to reach your professional goals each year…or maybe you just haven’t found the perfect solution yet.

We’re proud to say we’ve been helping service brands reach their goals for over 10 years. From brand growth, revenue increase, or brand-wide consistent efficiency we’ve played a key role in helping our clients to reach or even exceed their expectations through innovation and automation.

Don’t believe us? Ask one of our 50+ brands! Want to learn how? Keep reading..

Automated Tracking at Your Service

Our clients get by with a little from our friend, automation! You might be saying okay I can automate tracking, but I don’t know where to begin… what do I track? Have no fear, ServiceMinder is here! Simply put, you won’t know if you reached your goals or not without tracking and we are not talking about spreadsheets, my friends.

We understand the importance of royalties in the franchise business model..so of course, we created a feature to take the headaches out of this process. One of our helpful and automated tools is called Royalty Reporting. This feature eliminates stress and hurdles for both the franchisors and franchisees.

When planning a brand growth strategy, it’s helpful to easily access royalty reports to make your next move based on data and location performance, along with our other reporting tools like Revenue by Lead Source and Call tracking.

Learn more about our reporting tools here

Simplified Workflow

ServiceMinder is the solution for OPERATING and MANAGING home services brands. We apologize for the capitals, but we felt the dramatic effect was justified. Therefore, our client’s entire workflow is streamlined through our platform. Regarding daily workflow and sales processes, automation is essential to eliminate hurdles and human error.

Automation offers a significant advantage to the franchise business model. An essential function to consider automating is scheduling and contact creation.

Regardless of the industry, this automation holds a common impact, to elevate the client experience while expediting the sales journey. By seamlessly integrating with call centers or channeling leads from online appointment forms, this automation ensures a uniform approach across all franchise locations.

Automated scheduling eliminates concerns over data accuracy, such as misspelled names or incorrect addresses, and eliminates the risk of missed calls.

While these two functions simplify lead acquisition for franchisees, they also ensure consistency which not only fosters a sense of reliability but also amplifies both productivity and precision.

Brand Wide Consistency

Remember when we mentioned that we are an “all-in-one” and comprehensive solution? Besides simplifying daily tasks there’s another crucial reason for that, particularly when it comes to franchising and that would be consistency.

ServiceMinder’s capabilities can empower franchisees through automation and innovation. AKA do all the things they either don’t want to do or don’t have the bandwidth to achieve.

We’ve all heard the cliché “consistency is key”. While overused, this saying could be the tagline for franchising, as the success of the franchise model hinges on consistency.

However, as any business owner or franchisor may know, consistency can be challenging to enforce at scale with excessive supervision. This is why it’s crucial for a franchise to have a tool like ServiceMinder and to be utilized brand-wide to achieve ultimate results.

Ready to Get a Head Start on Your Goals?

Only 11 more months to be an overachiever. For any questions feel free to shoot us an email: [email protected] or schedule a demo here