FORM-based Lead Capture

Our lead capture integration makes it easy to take any form on your website or landing page and send that form data directly in to serviceminder. To hook up your form, set the action= attribute to where api-key is replaced with an API key you generate inside serviceminder that is specific to your account.

Available Fields

Field Name Details
Email A valid email address. We will reject payloads that do not include at least one of Email, Name or Phone.
Name Alternatively can be FirstName and LastName as separate fields
Company Optional
Address2 Optional
PostalCode If using a brand-scoped API key, this field will be used for lead distribution.
Phone1 The primary phone number. Non-digits will be stripped
Phone1Type Optional phone label to apply (as defined in your account)
Phone2 The alternate phone number. Non-digits will be stripped
Phone2Type Optional phone label to apply (as defined in your account)
Notes A single value that will be added as a note to either the new contact or an existing contact. By default, the Title for the note will be "Form." Multiple notes may be added by indexing the field name as in Notes[1], Notes[2], etc.
ContactType Optional Contact Category
Channel Maps to an existing Channel for lead tracking
Campaign Maps to an optional Campaign for lead tracking. If channel and campaign are blank, we'll use the channel and campaign configured for the API key
Tags Optional. A comma separated list of contact tags to apply
ReferredByHash Optional. The contact hash value to identify the referral source
OwnerUserId Optional. The Id of the user to assign this contact to (must be a member of this organization)
DoNotEmail Optional. Set to true/1/yes/on to mark this contact as "Do Not Email"
DoNotText Optional. Set to true/1/yes/on to mark this contact as "Do Not Text"
RedirectUrl If populated, it should be a valid URL that we should redirect to upon success. If not specified, we'll return a JSON payload with details